May 27th Weigh In

I actually lost 2 oz. I was really worried I gained. I am pleased to stay the same for this week, I didn't go crazy and eat bad stuff, I continued to do grilled stuff instead of fried but a lot of mornings I didn't eat breakfast and I wasn't drinking my water so the craving to eat got the best of me. And of course the 3 birthdays didn't help but I didn't eat the cakes except for the one that was for my husband and sat in my house calling my name. So on the positive side I did better than I would have in the past. I am out of maternity clothing...whooo hoooooo!!! I am ready to excersice this week (since I didn't at all last week) and get back on track!


Nancy Murphree Davis said...

I think 2 oz. in the face of three cakes is admirable. Keep it up!

Mom said...

As I sit here in maternity shorts and my youngest child is outside my window - she's three -- I am cheering for you! I wish I would have had the gumption to make this commitment ages ago. Congratulations on the loss. Any loss is good. Right? Better than gaining!! A lot of people gained over the holiday weekend. It's that summer food, it's so insidious!!!

Robin said...

Well good for you! You are making great changes in your life and the scale WILL eventually catch up with you!

Hilaire said...

Not gaining is great! My baby is now almost 7 months, I can't believe it. It always feels great to get out of those maternity clothes. I just wanted to recommend the book "Body After Baby" I don't know how far postpartum you are, but I lost quite a lot in the first month using this book. The recipes are not typical food, but they are good and they don't take too long.

Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

That's great about the clothes! Sometimes that's more important than the number on the scale. Good luck this week!

holly said... got through 3 birthdays and only one piece of cake? CONGRATULATIONS!

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

You had a great week! Congrats!