Finding the Skinny in Me

May Challenge 2007

I just had my fourth baby and I am bigger than ever, I am 26 years old and I am ready to have energy again and feel good about how I look. I like to sing and I am on the praise band at church but I am embarrased by the way I look when I sing that my confidence is very low. So I am accepting the May thru September Challenge to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week from ; which will put me losing any where between 18-36 pounds total. I am doing the diet program First Place at my Church and have already lost 3 pounds. I started at 220.5 and I am now at 217.2. I will be following the exhange program that goes along with the Food Pyramid. I am eating 1800 calories a day since I am still nursing and I am working out about 4 times a week with Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds. I am also drinking over 68 ounces of water a day and I have cut out Cokes from my diet every once in a while I will get a Coke Zero.

The program doesn't start till May 8th on a Tuesday but I weigh every Sunday night at my first place class so I will be posting my weight loss from Sunday.
Starting weight and measurments:
April 22nd - 220.5
Neck- 16 3/4
Arm- 15 1/4
Chest- 49
Waist- 47 1/2
Hips- 49
Thighs- 25

April 29th Weigh In
217.2--- lost 3 lbs!!!!!

Below is my before pictures taken on April 22, 2007

Before Pics